Video Details

Video of Fred Cline talking about personal details (non-military) with minute mark on the video in parentheses below

  • Motorcycle story with Samuel Leslie — “that thing is dangerous!” (3)
  • Farming (12)
  • Samuel Leslie was only one to finish HS (14:30)
  • Samuel Leslie spiked in HS track (15)
  • Gladys Marie teaching (16:30)
  • Tips from his parents (18:30)
  • – Obligation to serve the public
  • – Work together
  • – You’re responsible for yourself
  • Being alive after WW II experience (30)
  • Frederick Walker wisdom: three tips (31:45)
  • Reminiscence of his sister, Marilyn Long (42)
  • Reminiscence of his brother-in-law, Cliff Long (45)
  • If you want to miss the Long-specific family questions, skip from minute 41 to minute 51 or so…

Here is video of Marilyn & Cliff Long talking about influences, with minute mark on the video in parentheses below

  • Lyn Long influences – Imogene W., Eva H., Gladys C. (0)
  • 2nd grade teacher lived with her Grandmother Cline (3:30)
  • Cliff Long Influences – Kay F., Emil F., E. Lester S. (6:30)
  • Cliff Long in stage productions competing for state awards (11)
  • “Remember when you proposed?” “no!” (13)
  • Wedding day and before (15)
  • Honeymoon (23)

Here is video of Marilyn Long and Sam Cline (plus “peanut gallery”) talking about life in Delong with minute mark on the video in parentheses below

  • Sundays in Delong (0)
  • Sundays at Lake Bracken (3)
  • Florra Cline memories (9)
  • Chores in Delong (11)
  • Buildings in town (16)
  • School at end of road (18)
  • Neighbors (25)
  • “Don’t let anyone steal that house at the auction” (27)

Here’s a video done in 2013 where Lyn Long talks about various issues including**

  • Person to talk with (0)
  • Only a month to live (2)
  • Similarities and differences from your dad? (5)
  • Similarities and differences from your mom? (6:45)
  • Influences in music ( 8:45)
  • Influences in politics (13:45 )
  • Influences in music ( 16:45)
  • Favorite sports teams (18 )
  • Influences in spirituality ( 21)
  • When you were so passionate you were moved to act (25)
  • Which family members were optimists or pessimists? (32)
  • Which family characteristics would you like to embody? (37)
  • Which modern conveniences do you admire/appreciate? (38)
  • Baking practices with the Delong oven (41)
  • What would you most like to see changed in the world? (43)
  • She “turns the tables on Steve” – so he responds (46)

Here is a videotape from 2003 with Eleanor & Jack Gammon talking with Steve Long about some memories – with minute mark on the video in parentheses below

  • Preparing chicken for dinner (2:15 mark on the video)
  • No inclination for college (4:00)
  • Met Jack when I was 18 (5:00)
  • Meeting Ellie at Walgreens (6:15)
  • Tales of Samuel L. Cline – VW, gassing up the vehicle (10:30)
  • Lucky to have married into Cline family; chili and meeting in-laws (12:30)
  • Amish tour with Samuel B. Cline (16:30)
  • Samuel L. reading postcards of others (19:40)
  • School experience in Delong (24:00)
  • Lifetime tips they got from Samuel L. and Gladys M. (25:00)
  • Outstanding citizens (28:00)
  • Tips they would share (29:30)
  • Early memories of Lyn Long (32)
  • Early memories of Cliff Long (35)
  • Some humor – Cliff emptying the coffee pot (36)
  • Cliff & Lyn’s wedding (37)
  • Cliff’s “can do” approach and how that’s a “Cline behavior” (38)
  • Faith-based life thoughts (40)

Bob & Doris Lawson talking with Steve Long about  some memories – with minute mark on the video in parentheses below

  • First meeting Cliff Long (0)
  • MWF remembrance – Cliff praying (3)
  • Florida trip in 1937 Dodge in 1949 (5)
  • Florida trip – hitting the horse! (13)
  • Wedding events of Cliff & Lyn – day before & wedding day (16)
  • First recollection of Lyn (20)
  • Visit to Northfield, MN (23)
  • Characteristics: square-shooter, caring, community-minded (24)
  • Activities/tennis (26)
  • Recollections of Allan & Mildred Long (27:40)
  • Car adventures – Canada, diesel fuel gelling, horse (30)